Artful Dodger – From Character to Clothing Line

A popular novel around the world is Dickens’ ‘Oliver Twist’, which presents the story of a poor boy that struggles to get by. One of the characters in that book is Jack Dawkins, nicknamed the artful dodger for his well developed pick pocketing skills.

The novel stood as inspiration for many films over the years, starting from 1948 and reaching 2005. The role of the Dodger was played by Anthony Newley, Martin Horsey, Davy Jones, Tony Robinson, Steve Marriot, Phil Collins and many more brilliant actors. The latest film, the 2005 Roman Polanski production, featured Harry Eden in this role.

The artful dodger has become a symbol used by many to create various stories. One of these stories involves the Dodger and a few other lads that are up to no good in the fifth century London. The rival gang is called the ‘Swell Mob’ and every time they meet, blood is spilled.

This story is very interesting if you follow it to the end. The path of the artful dodger is a complicated one, filled with obstacles and challenges. You may wonder what this has to do with the character in the Charles Dickens novel. To be honest, none what so ever.

People are always trying to be on top of things, prepared and ready to react in difficult situations. Just like the character presented afore does. But the story extends far beyond any piece of paper or book. You can even go as far as wearing it.

I bet that by now many question marks have been raised in you mind. The artful dodger clothing articles are especially designed for people that know what they want and they won’t stop at anything to get it. Why not let the clothes speak for you?

We all know that the way we dress is an extension of the way we act. Our tastes reflect our personalities and because of this we should do our best to find the right things to say through the clothes we are wearing. The artful dodger clothing articles are meant to do just that.

The story about the lads and the artful dodger can be impressive. You can choose to be a part of this story by transmitting the message that goes along with your personality through the clothes designed and created by this company.

Choosing the artful dodger clothing line allows you to stand out with original designs that can be viewed as a distinguished trend. This style is separated from the American hip hop designs and it takes on a more European flavor. These creations still follow the urban casual trend, but they represent another style that can be used to express oneself.

If you want more information about the artful dodger clothing line or if you are interested in making purchases of clothes that express your way of life, you can always visit This website also houses other brand names like LRG, Nike, Adidas, Ed Hardy, Sean John and many others.

About the Author:

Remember that the artful dodger was very resourceful in any situation. All the products that bear this logo on them are meant to improve the way you look and feel. Choose artful dodger clothing and make the right statement about yourself.

Article Source: - Artful Dodger – From Character to Clothing Line

Story, Trend, Designs, Artful Dodger, Artful Dodger Clothing