Online Dj Tips – an Online Guide to Dj Techniques and Gear

Most of us will have had some really great nights out that were made perfect by the music selections of the DJ. You may even have looked up enviously at the DJ in his booth, expertly flipping records to the adulation of the entire dancefloor. If you have ever felt a desire to actually be that DJ, the good news is that you can - you’ll just need to learn a few things first. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to get started and, yes, it is a lot of fun too…

If you have your own record collection already, then there’s nothing stopping you from buying a couple of decks and a mixer and throwing a few tunes together. At the most basic level, that’s all there is to it – you just have to play the right music and make sure it fits together nicely.

There are a few important things to watch out for, however – not all turntables are created equal, so it pays to do a bit of research before you splash out on some new DJ decks. Actually, a lot of decks out there aren’t designed for DJing at all – most low-end consumer models are belt drive units and don’t have enough power for even the simplest of scratches. What you really need are a good set of direct drive decks, which have much higher torque ratings and are much more powerful than consumer belt drive turntables.

You’ll need this extra power later on when you start to learn to scratch, and it’s good even for basic beat matching tasks as it helps to ensure that your records maintain sync. If you want some extra info about what to look for in your turntables, have a look at this DJ Decks page, which provides a few examples of good decks and explains vital features such as pitch control. A good pitch control function is vital for beat matching, and if you decide to become a DJ then you’ll be using it a lot.

If you don’t have any records already, and don’t really want to go out hunting for all your favourite tracks on vinyl, then don’t despair – you can still be a DJ without a trunk full of old LPs. Many modern DJs use special CD decks, where you can put in a standard CD and then manipulate it using a special round pad interface on the top. This is a digital simulation of how vinyl DJs operate, and you can basically do all of the same stuff in pretty much the same way – it’s just a lot more portable.

Another way you can go is to just use your mp3 collection – you’ve probably seen DJs in pubs and clubs with their laptop open. You can get special DJ software (such as Native Instruments Traktor DJ) that will simulate all the features of a traditional DJ rig, so all you have to do is hook your computer’s audio outputs into the PA system and off you go. For more info on various techniques of DJing, have a look at the Online DJ tips site.

About the Author:

DJ Foley is a DJ and Music Producer with over ten years' experience in the music industry. If you're looking for some DJ advice, the online DJ site features plenty of tips and tricks, as well as some recommendations for particular DJ decks that are suitable for new DJs, across a range of budgets.

Article Source: - Online Dj Tips – an Online Guide to Dj Techniques and Gear

DJ Tips, Online Dj, Dj Decks