Planning a Corporate Event? Check Out These Tips

One thing is for sure if you are planning a corporate event in Manhattan and that is that there is a wide range of great music acts to choose from no matter what genre of music you are interested in. With plenty of good food and drink and great music up on stage to keep everyone entertained you are pretty much guaranteed that your corporate event will be a hit this year.

However; before your run right out and start signing deals ands laying down deposits for everything that is going to go into your event you will want to check up on some vital info. and pick up a few tips to insure that everything goes as planned.

When you are prospecting for a qualified music act in Manhattan you have to bear in mind that you really do get what you pay for and the days of a high quality music act “playing for exposure” are pretty much long gone, because its almost impossible for a band to get a record deal now.

So figure out your budget and the more you have to spend on the music the better your act will be. When you are reviewing the acts that you are considering for hire they will show you a video tape or a DVD of their stage performance.

So if you sign them you want to get it in your contract that the musicians that are in the tape or DVD are all the same musicians that are going to be playing the gig and then keep a copy of the tape or DVD. Also you want to get it writing in your contract exactly what time they are to go on stage and begin and exactly how long they are going to play for.

About the Author:

Written by Taesun Williamson. Find the latest information on Corporate Entertainment New York

Article Source: - Planning a Corporate Event? Check Out These Tips
