Top Tips on Wedding Music and Bands

You will definitely want to work with a contract and if you are dealing with a professional act they will have a contact of their own that they will want you to sign. Go through it and scratch off anything that you don't like such as their demand for special food or their own room to party in. They may also demand in the contract that you allow a certain number of their friends or “roadies” to come along to party at your event and you really should consider scratching that also.

If they refuse to budge on the contract negotiations then find a new band to work with. You will also want to have a contract of your own that covers exactly what they are going to deliver for the money that you are paying them. Get it in writing exactly what time thay are going to go on stage and exactly what time they are going to play to.

Also, get it in writing how many breaks they are going to take what time the breaks will be at and how long they will last. You will for sure want to see a demo tape or DVD of the band and get it in writing in the contract that all the musicians in the tape or DVR are going to be the musicians playing the gig and remember to keep a copy of the tape or DVD.

About the Author:

Written by Taesun Williamson. Find the latest information on New Jersey Wedding Band

Article Source: - Top Tips on Wedding Music and Bands

Wedding Music And Entertainment